Tuesday, December 29

Asian Carp crisis

This weekend, I learned about a crisis happening in the center of the Midwest: the Asian Carp migration.  Apparently, some folks in Arkansas brought in some scavenger fish from Asia to help clean.  The fish escaped into the main water source and have been traveling north along the Mississippi River ever since.

The problem with the carp is that they reproduce quickly, move fast, and destroy the natural food chain.  In addition, they get agitated when boats go by and jump out of the water.  This can cause injury and scares for boaters.

See this video for a rather vivid demonstration:

Right now, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio are battling Illinois in the Supreme Court to block the passage from the Chicago River into Lake Michigan.  The states argue that their ecosystems are in danger of being ruined by this invasive species.  Illinois doesn't want to block its locks because it has an economic interest in keeping trade open with other Great Lakes states!  And so the battle continues.

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