Tuesday, January 1

Ending break

Today is my last day of Christmas vacation. The past 2 1/2 weeks have gone by quickly, and they have been wonderful. I went to school this morning to start finishing up a few things before the kids come back tomorrow. Going into the building, unfortunately, wasn't the most energizing thing I've done this break.

Right now I'm watching Michigan play their final game of the season: the Capital One Bowl against Florida. Current Heisman Trophy winner and former homeschool Tim Tebow is the opposing quarterback, and Michigan doing an excellent job opposing them! Being able to take in a game like this with Sarah is pretty fun for me.

Sarah heard back from her professor today regarding our wedding date. We had hoped for her to get a day or two off...but she offered Sarah TWO WEEKS off--the week before and the week after!!! Praise God! So, now we'll just have to see how much time I can get off from Spruce Hill...

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