Tuesday, June 24

I work part time with Craig

One of the things I've been doing to give myself a part time job and clean up the house is to sell some of Sarah and my extra/old things on Craigslist. This has been surprisingly fun for me! The mixture of business, sales, describing, marketing, and internet has been a great match for a new hobby. I sold Sarah's old computer, my old digital camera, my old mp3 player, and a few other items that we cluttering our apartment. In all my transactions, I've found my fellow Craigslisters to be very friendly and helpful--at least the ones who I've been able to meet in person. The ones who say they're coming and never do are either poor pranksters or incredibly noncommital people. Glad I'm not married to one of them!

One of the great blessings of having less space than usual is that it forces both of us to ask the question, "do we really need this?" We've answered that question negatively many times. Tonight I get to pack my suitcase for a month, and I'll get to answer that question some more.

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