Tuesday, June 24

Thoughts on the summer...so far

This summer hasn't been too hard on the old noggin yet. So far, I've been able to make my schedule every day and fill it with activities I want to do. Sounds great, but it's been hard for me to have a lack of structure. God is really teaching me how to relax and not go-go-go! After a year of getting engaged, planning a wedding, getting married, moving in with Sarah, teaching my first year of fifth grade at Spruce Hill, and being enrolled full time for my masters, I've had a lot on my plate! Part of what I'm feeling is a let down from the constant activity. I find that when I have opportunities like this in my life, it takes me some time to wind down before I begin feeling settled and relaxed. I'm not there yet.

Thursday, Sarah and I leave Philadelphia until August 1. We'll be in Michigan for the weekend (to celebrate our wedding with friends there as well as celebrate Rebecca and John's big day), then take off for Portland from there. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. We're going someplace completely new where we don't know anyone, living in someone's house, and have no set plans for the month. Yikes! Welcome to the West Coast, Eric. I think this will be good for me.

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