Tuesday, July 24

And go clean your room!

I feel that's what I ordered myself this week. A good part of me feels like I haven't been doing much recently--even though yesterday I completely organized a pile of papers that have been there since my SENIOR YEAR AT HOPE (that's over two years ago, for those of you keeping score at home). My black filing cabinet is now organized, and I threw a bunch of stuff away. That's usually hard for me because I, Eric De Boer, am a pack rat. Seeing Sarah so effortlessly toss and donate many things in her move has inspired me to downsize a bit too. (thankfully, I can still retain my digital pack rat tendencies...I've saved every personal e-mail sent to me since freshman year at Hope, and I'd be able to go back to high school except that I lost a few years of data somewhere)

Sarah and I had a great weekend together. She, Michelle (new roommate), and I threw a party on her roof deck on Saturday night. A bunch of people came, enjoyed the food, and even met a few neighbors. Her roof deck is a great place to host people--it offers a unique perspective on the city that few people have seen before. Plus, with recent beautiful summer weather, it's a great place for a meal (or a date!). We had a great time being co-hosts, and it was neat to see Sarah serve others in that role. I've only known her to have a small apartment with little seating in Philly, so to host a good number of people is a big change. As with most things, she does it gracefully.

I won free lunch at a local Greek restaurant named Zorbas after I dropped my business card in the monthly drawing when Sarah and I went there for a date. So, tomorrow 10 Liberti friends and I will enjoy free lunch (well, not completely free....we do have to listen to a five minute presentation on financial planning, but the rest of the meal--including tax, tip, and a beverage--is free!). The day might as well be declared Winnings Day, since I also won two free tickets to a preview showing of My Best Friend, a French film! Of course, I'm going to see it with my best friend.

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