Wednesday, July 2

Live from the west coast

We're in Portland! Sarah and I arrived safely on Sunday in a day that lasted 27 hours for us. Our new friend Jill picked us up from the airport, and we enjoyed a pizza with our housemates, the Kornelis'--Ken, Jill, and Anne Marie. Visiting Philadelphians will certainly notice how many trees are here! Given, we're living in Lake Oswego, a suburb of the city, but still--there is way more green here than Philadelphia. Using the power of Google Maps, I typed in Portland and Philadelphia, zoomed in, and captured a screen shot of the two cities. Here are the results:

The first two things I noticed? 1=green color. 2=how crowded Philly is!

I have only been in the city to drive Sarah her first day at OHSU. Tomorrow I'm planning on riding the bus with her into work, then hanging out for the day there. I'll be able to have a better feel for the city after that.
So far, my days have been filled with hanging around the house, taking bike rides around the area, exploring trails (as pictured below), working on my Walden courses, visiting the Kornelis Grandma (who reminds me a great deal of Grandma De Boer!) and, of course, eating. Stress has tried to sneak up on me several times...sneaky stress. Fortunately, I've been able to ignore it quickly.

We have a few friends in Portland that we're looking forward to hanging out with. Sarah has the 4th off, so we're checking out our options for Independence Day celebrations. One day at a time!!

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