Monday, March 26

Running rapport

Monday mornings are generally the toughest part of my week. In addition to the Monday morning misery that most people feel, I have my busiest schedule, lunch duty, tougher kids, and non-stop action from 8:30 until 12:40. This morning, however, was much better than most. Several students made reference to our runs together on Thursday and Saturday, and they asked me if I was running with them again tomorrow or not. It might just be a coincidence, but their behavior improved greatly this morning compared to most--and this was with each one of my middle school classes! Maybe it was just a fluke. Or just maybe students respond well to teachers who spend time with them outside of the classroom, who encourage them and want them to succeed. I think that's what being a teacher is all about. =)

Tomorrow is Sarah and my second anniversary of dating! How time flies when you're having fun...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Eric and Sarah!
How cool is that!!!