Tuesday, August 7

Take a little off the top

Yesterday Sarah and I ran a bunch of errands--about 5 hours worth, to be exact. We went everywhere from Philadelphia Runner (and experienced more quality customer service there, by the way) to Target to IKEA to the Dollar Store to Chick-Fil-A to the Jefferson book store. One of our other stops was the Chop Shop where I usually get my hair cut. Well, when the "chopper" asked me how I'd like my hair done, I said to take off about 6 weeks worth, which I thought was a conservative amount, seeing how it's been about 8 weeks since my last cut. Either she thought my hair grows really fast or her definition of "6 weeks" is a little aggressive, because she lopped off a lot of my hair! I walked out to find Sarah, and she didn't recognize me at first!

The good news about the hair cut is that it might be a new source of extra cash: I've already had three different companies e-mail me asking if they can advertise with the large amount of space I now have on my forehead! (just kidding)

In all seriousness, it's not too bad. I like the cool feeling, and it'll be a nice breezy way to end the summer. Here's a picture:

You might note the large stack of books on the right; that's my pile of 5th grade books to read before school starts!

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