Thursday, December 21

Christmas Concert...West Philly style

Since my dad is a music teacher, I've had the privilege of attending (even participating) in several of his Christmas concerts. Tonight was my first Christmas concert at Our Mother of Sorrows/St. Ignatius. It was quite different than the Disney-style my dad does so well! Still, the point of the evening was accomplished, the students were proud, and the parents left happy. For the amount of communication and preparation (or lack thereof) that went into it, the performance went well! I got to play a solo piano piece as well as accompany Silent Night for two other teachers. Try as I might, the soul/gospel style Silent Night just doesn't naturally go with my playing style! I'll have to work on that.

Here are pictures to tonight's concert. (that's Zion and me below)
I'll have a video posted soon, too!

Also...I'M ON CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!! I fly home tomorrow morning. Michigan, here I come!

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