On my way home from school today, I picked up 6 computers! I had mentioned our school's need for computers to my home group, and two people there said they had a bunch of old computers hanging around at work! So, I dropped by the Center City architecture firm, and they gave them to me! It was great--except that now I need to go through and format them all and reinstall software on them. Creating work for myself isn't so bad, I guess...I'm excited for the kids to be able to use them.
Seth and Sarah are both going to be busy this weekend--Sarah is going to a medical missions conference in KY, and Seth is going to a Christian counseling conference here in Philly. With my extra time, I plan on putting some extra time into upgrading the school's computers. We'll see how it goes!
Speaking of donations, I gave one of another kind recently. Sarah had a clinical skills session on giving IVs, where all the med students practiced on each other. Well, after she practiced on them that night, I volunteered my right arm the next. Note to self: when girlfriend is practicing on you, don't think about what she's doing, the fact that she's new at it, what the needle is up to, or anything as such! Now, I used to get allergy shots in both arms every week, and I also gave blood several times in college. It's been a while since I had my flu shot last year, but I didn't think I had a fear of needles. (once I did need to lie down after giving blood, as my face turned white) Unfortunately, I let my nerves show, and after Sarah successfully removed the practice kit needle, my face turned "a lovely shade of green", and I had to lie down and drink something. I was a little frustrated at myself and for making Sarah more nervous than needbe, but it was really good to give her an opportunity to practice and even provide a somewhat stressful environment to simulate some potential futuristic times during rotations next year.
School was exciting today--for very non-academic reasons. There was a robbery at a store a block from school, so nobody was allowed to leave or come into the building for the morning. Helicopters circled the area as the police looked for the villians. We were allowed to go back to normal schedule by lunch. The 7th grade teacher also had a fight break out in her classroom, and several of the boys had to intercede for her to stop it. She was pretty shaken up. When I picked up her class earlier in the day, it seemed like they were doing whatever they wanted to in the room, so I'm not totally shocked that something like that happened. She is a first-year teacher, and as with most of us, her classroom management is developing. These kids aren't exactly from Hudsonville anymore!
Next stop, home group!
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