Tuesday, May 8

Broad Street Photographs

My roommate, Seth, refuses to call the things he takes with his camera "pictures"...to an artist, they are "photographs". Personally, I think mine can be both--when it's a good shot, it's a photograph...when it's a quick snapshot, it's a picture.....or even a lower class title: "pic". Anyway, here are some memories from Sunday's Broad Street Run, courtesy of my vice-principal Rosemary and Sarah.

One of my beautiful 8th grade girls who ran.

Mid-race with "Kwaamia", Sarah, and me.

Some of our team after the finish line.

This is "Dominique", who had never run more than 4 miles in her life. She was determined to run all 10 miles, and she did! The rest of the team had finished 30-60 minutes before she did, and we all realized she was still out there. So, a few of us went back, found her, and went with her for the last leg of the race. Jogging the last half mile with her was the most rewarding part of the day; it moved me to tears. Everyone cheered and clapped when she neared the finish. It was so neat to see the students come around and encourage her. The whole story reminded me of Jesus' parable of the lost sheep.

Sarah makes an excellent running buddy--even though her hair doesn't stand straight up like the girl in the background's!

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